Homido: enter Virtual Reality through your smartphone!
Homido Center is a catalogue of all the best apps available for Homido virtual reality headset, more information available on www.homido.com
Homido Center features:
- a selection of the best available VR apps updated every week
- 360 degree photos and videos, 3D photos and videos
- Categories (app style, user interface…)
- Filters (app rating, price…)
- Bookmark: retrieve easily your favorite VR apps
- Launcher (installed app): keep all your VR app stored in one folder
With you Homido headset you can enjoy: virtual reality games, 360° spherical videos and pictures, 3D videos and pictures, streamed PC games, FPV Drones, emulated playstation games, …
Detailled tutorials: <a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttp://goo.gl/0eFOas%26sa%3DD%26usg%3DAFQjCNEf_k_FVWDWp6j2dmgfBYn_E-DDAw&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNFHlZAqA9ZeqsCFw1Q90Ku9nTALtQ" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/0eFOas</a>
We strongly advice to you use a Homido headset to take the most of mobile VR apps although some of those apps may also be compatible with Google Cardboard, Durovis Dive, Vrase, Samsung Gear VR, Carl Zeiss VR one, Archos / Colorcross and other DIY Oculus Rift, HTC Vive or Microsoft Hololens.
You are a developper and you'd like you app to be featured in the Homido Center ? Please contact us on www.homido.com
You don’t have a Homido Headset yet? Purchase it from www.homido.com, worldwide shipping
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">Homido: masukkan Virtual Reality melalui smartphone Anda!
Homido Center adalah katalog semua aplikasi terbaik yang tersedia untuk Homido virtual reality headset, informasi lebih lanjut tersedia di www.homido.com
Homido Pusat fitur:
- Pilihan yang terbaik yang tersedia aplikasi VR diperbarui setiap minggu
- 360 derajat foto dan video, foto dan video 3D
- Kategori (gaya app, user interface ...)
- Filter (Peringkat app, harga ...)
- Bookmark: mengambil mudah aplikasi favorit Anda VR
- Launcher (app diinstal): menyimpan semua aplikasi VR yang disimpan dalam satu folder
Dengan Anda Homido headset Anda dapat menikmati: game virtual reality, 360 ° video bola dan gambar, video 3D dan gambar, streaming game PC, FPV Drones, ditiru game playstation, ...
Tutorial Detailled: <a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=http://goo.gl/0eFOas&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNEf_k_FVWDWp6j2dmgfBYn_E-DDAw" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/0eFOas</a>
Kami sangat saran untuk Anda menggunakan headset Homido untuk mengambil sebagian besar aplikasi VR ponsel meskipun beberapa dari aplikasi tersebut juga dapat kompatibel dengan Google Karton, Durovis Dive, Vrase, Samsung Aksesoris VR, Carl Zeiss VR satu, Archos / Colorcross dan DIY lainnya Oculus Rift, HTC Vive atau Microsoft Hololens.
Anda developper dan Anda ingin Anda app akan tampil di Homido Center? Silahkan hubungi kami di www.homido.com
Anda tidak memiliki Homido Headset belum? Belilah dari www.homido.com, pengiriman seluruh dunia</div> <div class="show-more-end">